Childs win Time Trial Shocker!!!
EWCC 25 won by Sean Childs in 51.55 whilst James Smith managed a fairly decent 53.09 even though he could not use his 11 gear. 3rd was Dave Gilbert in 53.50 Good conditions.
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EWCC 25 won by Sean Childs in 51.55 whilst James Smith managed a fairly decent 53.09 even though he could not use his 11 gear. 3rd was Dave Gilbert in 53.50 Good conditions.
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Cant buy you a disc, but I think you have already beaten the opposition mentally because of the equipment you are using. Mind you I could always make you a disc wheel from some sheets of hardboard? That really would pee people off.
I agree I think you are inside his head now buzzing round... I reckon before the end of the season you will have him.
The long face thing and horses it is really boring now
Please do not take this wrong way but you have no chance.
forget his disciples rip his F***king legs off.
As you are sponsored by a bike shop why don't you let them set your bike up properly...and by the way don't waste your money on a disc!
Nice to see Tony Farnell in your video shot!!
why would a disc be a waste of money
good result dude! was it the S4/25? Must have been a fast day!
Hello Stu,
How is it all going? Yes I think it was a fast day looking a the time last year.
Get a life and stop talking Bolloxs
please leave your name. I will delete your post otherwise
A disk won't make up 2 minutes. It ain't gunna happen, not unless you start smashing some of the hard stuff!!
Please leave a name or a nickname.
1. It wasn't 2 mins
2. What is the hard stuff Stella??
3. I dont care anyway TT is for anyone who is not good enough or to old to Road race.
Of course you don't care, silly me!! Yes that's right, coz the fittest bloke always wins the road race,.....right.
Of course you are right the fittest bloke does not always win the road race but it is usually the cleverest.
The thing is I can do both and you?
Maybe the cleverest wins at the very top level, but at the level you ride maybe not.
Didn't really understand that last comment.
So it is not the fittest? Not the cleverest? I am not sure of oyur point?
Is it this story that has upset you? I can delte it if it offends anybody. It is just a little article about the last TT I did. I agree with you on one thing Sean is an awesome Tester but that does not mean we should not aspire to beat him.
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